Tutorial List

Tutorials Primary Contacts full/half day Type Date Time (AM/PM)
A post-Marrian computational overview of how biological (human) vision works Li Zhaoping full Contributed 6/19 Full day
Affine Correspondences and their Applications in Practice Daniel Barath full Contributed 6/19 Full day
Beyond Convolutional Neural Networks Neil Houlsby half Contributed 6/20 AM
Building and Working in Environments for Embodied AI Fanbo Xiang half Contributed 6/20 PM
Contactless Health Monitoring using Cameras and Wireless Sensors Wenjin Wang half Contributed 6/20 Virtual Only
Deep AUC Maximization Tianbao Yang half Contributed 6/20 AM
Deep Visual Similarity and Metric Learning Timo Milbich, Jenny Seidenschwarz, Ismail Elezi half Contributed 6/19 PM
Denoising Diffusion-based Generative Modeling: Foundations and Applications Karsten Kreis, Ruiqi Gao, Arash Vahdat half Contributed 6/19 AM
Evaluating Models Beyond the Textbook: Out-of-distribution and Without Labels Liang Zheng, Ludwig Schmidt half Contributed 6/20 AM
Graph Machine Learning for Visual Computing Guohao Li, Guocheng Qian, Jesus Zarzar half Contributed 6/20 PM
High-degree polynomial networks for image generation and recognition Grigorios Chrysos half Contributed 6/20 PM
Human-centered AI for Computer Vision Bolei Zhou half Contributed 6/20 PM
Imaging Through Atmospheric Turbulence: Theory, Simulation, and Restoration Stanley Chan, Nicholas Chimitt half Contributed 6/19 AM
Inside Plato’s door: a tour in Multi-view Geometry Luca Magri, Federica Arrigoni full Contributed 6/20 Full day
Medical Diagnosis Using Computer Vision: Foundations, Advances, Challenges Soheila Borhani, Reza Borhani half Contributed 6/26 2-5PM CDT
Multimodal Machine Learning Louis-Philippe Morency, Paul Liang, Amir Zadeh half Contributed 6/20 AM
Neural Fields in Computer Vision Yiheng Xie, James Tompkin, Vincent Sitzmann, Srinath Sridhar full Contributed 6/20 Full day
Performance Measures in Visual Detection and Their Optimization Emre Akbas, Sinan Kalkan, Kemal Oksuz half Contributed 6/30 11AM CDT
Recent Advances in Vision-and-Language Pre-training Zhe Gan full Contributed 6/19 Full day
Sparsity Learning in Neural Networks and Robust Statistical Analysis Yanwei Fu, Yuan Yao half Contributed 6/26 8:30AM-12PM CDT
Vision-based Robot Learning Michael Ryoo, Andy Zeng, Pete Florence, Shuran Song half Contributed 6/20 AM
Creating and Using Synthetic Data for Computer Vision Applications - Rendered.ai Chris Andrews, Dan Hedges half Industry-track 6/20 AM
How to get quick and performant model for your edge application. From data to application Paula Ramos, Raymond Lo half Industry-track 6/19 PM
OpenMMLab: A Foundational Platform for Computer Vision Research and Production Kai Chen half Industry-track 6/20 Virtual Only
Towards always-on egocentric vision research using Meta’s Aria glasses Zhaoyang Lv, Edward Miller, Jeff Meissner half Industry-track 6/19 PM
Computational Imaging Laura WallerAviad Levis half Invited 6/19 AM
Ego4D tutorial (joint with workshop) Kristen Grauman et al. half Invited 6/19 Joint w/ workshop
Remote Sensing for Agriculture and Food Security Hannah Kerner, Catherine Nakalembe, Ivan Zvonkov half Invited 6/20 PM
Algorithmic Fairness: Why It's Hard and Why It's Interesting Sanmi Koyejo, Olga Russakovsky half Invited 6/19 PM